Shipping FAQ

Shipping Related Questions & Answers.

How long does shipping take?

Standard shipping typically takes between 5 to 12 business days for delivery. Please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location and any unforeseen circumstances.

Is shipping free?

Yes, we offer free economy shipping on all orders, regardless of the order value. Enjoy the convenience of free shipping on every purchase.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer international shipping to select countries. Shipping costs and delivery times vary depending on the destination. International customers can view shipping options and costs during the checkout process.

How can I track my order?

Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to monitor the status of your shipment online.

What should I do if there's an issue with my delivery?

If you encounter any issues with your delivery or if your order does not arrive please contact our support team.

Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

If you need to update your shipping address after placing an order, please contact us as soon as possible. We'll do our best to accommodate your request, but please note that changes may not be possible if the order has already been shipped.

What happens if my package is lost or damaged during shipping?

In the unlikely event that your package is lost or damaged during shipping, please reach out to our customer support team immediately. We will work with the shipping carrier to resolve the issue and ensure that you receive a satisfactory resolution.

Shipping Policies

At CornerByte Tech, we prioritize the satisfaction and convenience of our customers, which is why we have crafted comprehensive shipping policies to ensure a seamless shopping experience.

Standard Shipping Options: We understand the significance of timely delivery, and our standard shipping options cater to this need. Our standard shipping typically ranges from 5 to 12 business days for domestic orders within the United States, Australia, and Canada. International shipping times may vary depending on customs clearance and other factors specific to each destination.

Free Economy Shipping: We are delighted to offer free economy shipping on all orders within the United States, Australia, and Canada. With our free shipping option, you can enjoy the convenience of receiving your products without incurring any additional costs. Whether you're purchasing a single item or multiple products, our free economy shipping ensures affordability and accessibility for all our customers.

Tracking and Updates: Once your order has been processed and shipped, we provide tracking information so you can monitor the status and estimated delivery date of your package. We believe in transparency and keeping our customers informed throughout the shipping process.

International Shipping: For our valued international customers, we offer international shipping options to Australia, and Canada. Please note that international shipping times may vary depending on customs clearance and other factors specific to each destination.

Shipping Restrictions: While we strive to accommodate all orders, there may be certain shipping restrictions based on product availability, destination location, or local regulations. In such cases, we will notify you promptly and work towards finding the best possible solution to fulfill your order.

Customer Support: Should you have any questions or concerns regarding shipping, our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you.